Thursday, December 2, 2010

 This Poem was on the side bar of my mom's blog, so I stole it.   I'm not sure where she found as it is from an anonymous author.
It seemed fitting today, my  three year old woke up telling me how cold he was.  He is a nudist by nature. He is hates that at this time of year he is required to wear clothes/pajamas.  As soon as he has a single layer of clothes on he complains he is too hot and needs to be cold.  Boy does he have a treat awaiting him.  This is what he gets to look forward to. 

Winter Poem
It’s winter here in Canada
and the gentle breezes blow
70 miles an hour
at 35 below
Oh, how I love Canada
when the snow’s up to your butt
you take a breath of winter
and your nose gets frozen shut
Yes the winter here is wonderful
so I guess I’ll hang around
I could never leave Canada
I’m frozen to the ground!
~Author Unknown~
Cute huh?!

So how do you combat the cold? Well here are a few items I found.

And well because us Crazy Canucks  like small dogs too.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Brocante Lux Fashion Fair and Market Sept 17th

Boy this is coming quick.   I would to see all of you there. It should be a great day a shopping.  Just think you can come and get all that Christmas shopping done early no need to worry.  All the while helping the local economy one artist at a time.  The best stimulus packag, I think.

As for me I need all the help I can get, this house is about to get a little more crowded.  Baby number 2 is due on September 23.  I sure like to cut it close, don't I.  So, I need to get some of this product out of here to make way for the new wee one.  Other wise baby will be swimming in a sea of photography, art and items from Little Piece Of Her.

Check out all the details here.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mom's Birthday Gift

I made this Market Bag for my Mom's birthday.

I have been waiting for it to arrive. I was praying she would like it.
Guess what. SHE DOES!!!
Phew***wipes brow***
My mom asked why on earth I would think she wouldn't. My reason well it's just a bag.
She said it was a complete surprise and she had no idea I could crochet that well. 
Thanks mom.
Anyway thrilled she likes it. 

And if you would like one let me know it will take about 2-4 weeks to complete and cost you about $45.00 But it will be well worth it, if you trust my mom. I make them out of cotton so that you can wash and abuse it.  Just let me know the colour.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sneak a Peek

At this treasury. "So lonely" was included in the wonderfully eclectic mix of handmade goodies.

There are many other wonderful items included in the treasury. Take a look you just may find something that really tickles your fancy!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My other venture.

So, I love my art. I love to paint, take photographs, get messy and all that good stuff.
But lately, I have been sewing and crocheting.
I've been devoting a LOT of time to my other project Little Piece of Her. Not that that means Car Farm is over and done with, it just means that like many creative types, I have a compulsion to spread my self thin and try and create all sorts of things. The ideas in your head, if left too long, can drive you batty.

I hope you have a chance to check out my other baby and let me know what you think!.

Going on vacation to see what I can see.

Boy do I feel like this car lately.   Rusty, old and left to rot.  Some good things growing out, but really, just a hunk of scrap.
So, I'm taking a break form my business and a little break from my real job.  I going to spend some time with my family.  Everyone needs a vacation every now in then. Right?! 
In about to weeks I will be back creating working and all the other fun stuff. I'm hoping on my down time I will pick up my camera and take some amazing photos to add to my portfolio.
Maybe, just maybe there will be something wonderful and new at the Car Farm Shop!

See you all in a few weeks.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dark and Stormy Night.

Finally, some relief from the heat.   Time to sew.  Now, If I could only find the time to paint too. hmm. Soon I hope. The car farm is in desperate need for some new art.
There may not be any new items in the shop but like I always say "Out with old, before I can bring in the new."
Father's day is Fast approaching why not get him a 4 pack of postcards or a beautiful photograph for his study!

Monday, May 17, 2010

50/50 Contest/Raffle.

I would like to introduce you to baby #2, as I have been referring to him/her.  We were a little bit surprised with the news of this little bundle of pure energy.  I have long since gotten rid of a large chunk of my baby stuff. I thought I was done with kids and wanted to make sure other moms could use what we had, since I wasn't going to use it again. Oh famous last word that "never".

My big surprise has led to my big idea. TADA. I need stuff and there is probably something you need too, right?! So, lets do a little figurative back scratching.

I'm doing a 50/50 style draw although. Since a new car seat doesn't come a inexpensively as I would like, this is going to be a 60/40.
60% for the wee one.
40% for the winners.  There is two draws but I will get to that.

Most people like to guess the sex and the date of birth so that is what you can buy tickets to do!

This is how it works. You buy your guesses(tickets) $1.00 each or 5 for $4.00. 

You can guess as many times you want and as many ways as you want!

You can guess for either boy or girl. Or, you can guess the date of Birth.

I had my second ultrasound today and The due date is September 23rd.
You can purchase your guess in person or through paypal
When you have finished buying your guesses you can use them all now or save some for later.

Just leave your guess(es) in the comment section or on the FB page. I will right your name down and put it in the corresponding bowl.  For the date there will be baggies, Since there are so many days in September. But if you think I will have the baby in August or October feel free to guess that way too. I will make sure the winner is picked as fair as possible. If I can figure out how, I may even video it with my web cam.

I will give you frequent updates of what the total pot is up too. And how it will be split that way you know how much you have the possibility of winning!!!

So far the pot is up to........drum roll please!

$12.00!!!! With 19 weeks to go I hope to see that number skyrocket for you and the new baby!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My tribute to mom.

That's my mom on the bottom of the doggy pile. 
Life may not have always been easy, but she never made it seem hard.
Unfortunately now, My mom lives 3000 km away.
I'm missing her terribly. Sometimes things get hard here and I wish she was around to make them seem easy.
Since she can't be I thought I would find some things that remind me of her.
These are just a few and they may change as the days go on.
I hope you love it like I love her!!
Here's to you mom!

by  claire
These are just a few of the wonderful things that remind me of my mom.
She may not understand all of them, but I do!
I love you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

What to do this week? I have about ten million things to do this week I hope I can get is all done.  Especially since I'm going to be doing another show very soon!  I would love to see you there and if you cannot attend I would love if you could send someone in your place. And since it is the week following mothers days I suggest you do not get her anything this week and bring her with you to the show and get her something she really wants. Like one of my paintings or photographs or maybe something from my handmade line!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My mom's blogging!!

And she does it more often than I do.  If I could only keep up with her.  I should take lead from her and realize little short messages are ok too!. Not every entry has to be a novel.  Anyway, Mom I love the blog! It's great, I feel like I'm there with you and not 3000km away. Check out her blog.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby 50/50, well...60/40 *** Contest/Raffle***

I would like to introduce you to baby #2, as I have been referring to him/her.  We were a little bit surprised with the news of this little bundle of pure energy.  I have long since gotten rid of a large chunk of my baby stuff. I thought I was done with kids and wanted to make sure other moms could use what we had, since I wasn't going to use it again. Oh famous last word that "never". 

My big surprise has led to my big idea. TADA. I need stuff and there is probably something you need too, right?! So, lets do a little figurative back scratching.

I'm doing a 50/50 style draw although. Since a new car seat doesn't come a inexpensively as I would like, this is going to be a 60/40.
60% for the wee one.
40% for the winners.  There is two draws but I will get to that.

Most people like to guess the sex and the date of birth so that is what you can buy tickets to do!

This is how it works. You buy your guesses(tickets) $1.00 each or 5 for $4.00. 

You can guess as many times you want and as many ways as you want!

You can guess for either boy or girl. Or, you can guess the date of Birth.

I had my second ultrasound today and The due date is September 23rd.
You can purchase your guess in person or through paypal
When you have finished buying your guesses you can use them all now or save some for later. 

Just leave your guess(es) in the comment section or on the FB page. I will right your name down and put it in the corresponding bowl.  For the date there will be baggies, Since there are so many days in September. But if you think I will have the baby in August or October feel free to guess that way too. I will make sure the winner is picked as fair as possible. If I can figure out how, I may even video it with my web cam.

I will give you frequent updates of what the total pot is up too. And how it will be split that way you know how much you have the possibility of winning!!!

So far the pot is up to........drum roll please!

$8.00!!!! With 5 months to go I hope to see that number skyrocket for you and the new baby!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sleepy Crocheted Sheep


Silly me I added the picture with no description of what you are looking.

My little lamb here was crochet using 100% wool. The more it is loved and washed the more it will felt.

I made this adorable little sleepy Lamb for our new addition to come in September.  
If you would like one of these drop me a line and I would gladly work something out for you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Women and our financial independence.

Are you so broke you could cry? Or are you crying right now?  You are not alone. 

For women it is so much harder to be without. Because often we have more than just ourselves to take care of.  And if you are like me you gave up a life in which given a short bit more time you could have had stability and independence but you gave it up for your family.  I was 2 years from finishing my degree(i had already been in school for 4 years...oops) and I was leading a pretty happy independent life, flat broke and on my own!  I left that for a man and the promise of stability and family.  I got the family...still waiting on the stability.

As I type the lucky man is in school.  Laid off, but still, he's lucky to be in school.  And I sit here watching my beautiful son and just as unemployed as the man. 

 Neither of us are bringing in an income.  But only one of us will be the worse if we do not succeed as a family.  Why? Well, because as a woman without a degree I will statistically make less money than my male counterpart.  I will work harder than him to make the same income.  I will more than likely do this as the main child care provider as well. 

So, what does someone like me do??  I would love to go back to school. But loans are not an option.  I will have to see about grants and subsidies.  So, what else?

So I have attempted to sell a product via the internet, this great big world community.  But I'm not just selling a product I'm selling myself. I have to take just as much time away from my son to do this as if I were working outside the home but I make way less.  I have to market myself as much as possible and still find time to produce a product,And what if after all that work the product doesn't sell?

I still have to clean my house, watch/play/feed the boy, make dinner balance our sad books.  All without the praise  my partner receives for his going to school or working.  These aren't complaints facts about the tiresome double standard many women face everyday.  We deal with it as best we can.

But if we were to take an honest look, many of us, if we were to ever leave our significant other or if they left us or there were an accident we would have nothing. And what is worse those of us who have been out of the work force for any significant time will have a very hard time transitioning back into the work force. 

So, as I bide my time until I can find a job to pay for school and bills and my old loan that well lets be honest is one scary mother... I try and sell myself(my product) in one way or another so that I can slowly gain financial independence and procure some personal security in case the unspeakable happens and I am left to once again fend for myself. 

Are you ready if that happens?

Will your art, crafting or side business sustain you  if the worse happens and you are left to do it on your own?

 I really think women need to support each other more than we do.  What we don't realize is that it may happen at anytime and that the support of your "sisters" is what will keep you above water.  We have to quit degrading each other and be more uplifting.  If you have and can give do. If you can't give monetarily give of your heart.  That may be the most precious gift you can give a friend who is struggling to keep her self and family together in these times of uncertainty.

Just a little thought.

**I should also mention that anything I will do from this point on including the things I do for myself are all to ensure that he has the best possible life I can provide for him.  That includes, showing him what a strong independent and self sufficient woman looks like.  He will learn through my success and failures and how I deal with them. And how I allow others to treat me.  So, if I sit back and refuse to take action and responsibility for our futures(his and mine) he will see that and think that that is an acceptable way for women to be.  But is it? 

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New adventure in crochet land.

My First Ever Crochet Creation.

This is the first thing I have ever crochet.
I'm so proud of myself.
So, though I have been neglecting my shop and my blog and my house, I have been learning new skills.  
I have also been spending time with my son.  I had realized that even though I'm a stay at home mom I wasn't spending enough time with him, I was so busy doing everything else that I was really missing out on him.
Anyway, So, now after he goes to bed or on the occasional nap he takes I attempt to teach myself knitting and crochet.  This hat is by far the coolest thing I have made to date.
This on is not for sale and will not be.  I have already given it to my mom. Well, sort of, I still have to ship it to her. She lives 3ooo km away.
I will still being doing "fine art" but I realize that if I want creating to be a full time gig. I have to find something that people want.
Right now, I still don't know what that is, but I plan on amassing as many skills as I can until I decide what it is that I want to put out there in to the world.
For now, I will share that journey with you and hopefully you and I can learn a little bit together.

* note-- the pattern for the hat came from the threadbanger website and the pattern for the flowers were found on youtube.