Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My other venture.

So, I love my art. I love to paint, take photographs, get messy and all that good stuff.
But lately, I have been sewing and crocheting.
I've been devoting a LOT of time to my other project Little Piece of Her. Not that that means Car Farm is over and done with, it just means that like many creative types, I have a compulsion to spread my self thin and try and create all sorts of things. The ideas in your head, if left too long, can drive you batty.

I hope you have a chance to check out my other baby and let me know what you think!.

Going on vacation to see what I can see.

Boy do I feel like this car lately.   Rusty, old and left to rot.  Some good things growing out, but really, just a hunk of scrap.
So, I'm taking a break form my business and a little break from my real job.  I going to spend some time with my family.  Everyone needs a vacation every now in then. Right?! 
In about to weeks I will be back creating working and all the other fun stuff. I'm hoping on my down time I will pick up my camera and take some amazing photos to add to my portfolio.
Maybe, just maybe there will be something wonderful and new at the Car Farm Shop!

See you all in a few weeks.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dark and Stormy Night.

Finally, some relief from the heat.   Time to sew.  Now, If I could only find the time to paint too. hmm. Soon I hope. The car farm is in desperate need for some new art.
There may not be any new items in the shop but like I always say "Out with old, before I can bring in the new."
Father's day is Fast approaching why not get him a 4 pack of postcards or a beautiful photograph for his study!